Our Services

What we offer

Health Assessment & Consultation

Full gland & organ assessment through a detailed health questionnaire. Private consultation assessing kidney pressure, adrenal function along with an herbal & supplement protocol, and nutritional education.

Group Transformation

Sacred rebels unite! Group transformations provide community and my professional support on 90-minute group calls for 12 weeks. Come learn about the foundations of regenerative health, how to fuel your mind, body and spirit by nourishing from the inside out with organic micro nutrients, detoxing microbes & heavy metals, customized herbal protocol, supportive tools and a nutrition plan with recipes all tailored to you. Contact to get on the wait list for the next session.

Iris Analysis & Report

Each iris is as individual as a finger print. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. Connected to over 30, 000 optic nerves, the iris displays hereditary strengths & weaknesses, toxic accumulations, inflammatory conditions, as well as reveals data on body systems, organs, glands and tissues. Your personal and unique report is an opportunity to attain a picture of what is going on in your body and is a springboard to create a personalized plan for your path to wellness.

Energy Work

Energetic Kinesiology is non invasive and uses light touch and muscle testing with the wisdom of traditional Chinese meridians and the Ayurvedic chakra theories. These traditional medicine systems recognize an energetic aspect of each person and we are able to tap in and balance your electromagnetic energy system. It can ease physical discomforts along with improving energy and support your personal goals.

Frequency therapy analyzes what are the bioenergetics of your individual gland and organ systems along with the ability to assess your auric field. Your resonance can effect every aspect of your life from your physical wellness, emotional wellness and even your wealth wellness. A simple scan can give us options for balancing or we can choose specific symptoms to address . Your session is relaxing and will use micro current frequency to bring harmony to you on the cellular level and raise your overall vibration.

Reiki is a gentle touch healing system that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and improves the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. Your main job in a session is to lay down and relax!

“Vibrant health in this world does not occur overnight. Sometimes it’s hard work-but well worth it. It connects you with life, love and God”

— Dr. Robert Morse, N.D.