Sacred Rebel Wellness

Regenerative Health & Holistic Services to support you in your healing journey

Every journey starts with a single step

What we’re about


Repair and regeneration of the body starts with nutrition. Services include full health consultations and nutritional counseling. I specialize in digestive health, autoimmune, reproductive heath and many other Dis-eases you may be experiencing. I’ll assess your urine ph, kidney pressure, and adrenal function and create a personal herbal protocol.


Regenerative health is all about getting to the root cause of a symptom or Dis-ease. Our amazing bodies give us clues on what is happening inside through markings on the outside of our face, tongue and eyes. The science of Iridology uses the markings, colors and pupil variations of an eye to reveal hereditary & constitutional strengths and weaknesses, toxic accumulations and inflammatory conditions. An Iris analysis provides uniquely personal information that can put you on a path to healing, health and wellness.

Healing Support

Your body is designed to heal given the right tools and environment. What you eat, drink, breathe and put on your skin contributes to your health, or your Dis-ease. I’ll discuss soil health, what foods can support you, the role of parasites and fungus, herbal protocols and other healing modalities to assist you in your health goals. More info in our services section.

We are all sacred beings worthy of love, joy & vibrant health

Erica Avellone

Owner & Founder of Sacred Rebel Wellness

Welcome to Sacred Rebel Wellness! Whether you want to feel better, look better, get to the root of your Dis-ease or just need some balancing, you’ve come to the right place.

We are our own health advocate. The power and wisdom our body contains is absolutely incredible. We cannot inject health. True health starts with the quality of food we put in our mouths, the thoughts we keep running in our minds and how we move our bodies. We are a part of this earth, so working with herbs and enjoying live foods grown with regenerative soil is a key factor in finding balance within ourselves and with nature. It is never too late to rise up and rebel against old patterns and create a more vibrant future for yourself. Sacred Rebel Wellness is here to guide and support you!

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